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July 24, 2014

A compilation of news from around China this week, from online published sources

Blog Entries

We Use Chinese All the Time

Why Chinese Is a Key Language for Reaching International Students in China

More on reaching international students in China from "Tim," a student from Zimbabwe studying in China.


ZGBriefs | August 10, 2017

'China has conquered Kenya': Inside Beijing's new strategy to win African hearts and minds (August 7, 2017, The Los Angeles Times)
As a digital infrastructure provider, StarTimes is helping African states transition from analog television — a technology akin to FM radio, rife with snow, static and dropped signals — to digital, which ensures high-quality image and sound. As a pay-TV company, it is stacking its networks with pro-China broadcasts. As both, it is materially improving the lives of countless Africans, then making China’s role in those improvements impossible to ignore.

Blog Entries

From Law to Light

Searching for Truth Worthy of Your Heart

When he finally found the truth, Wu felt that it was just like “tripping blindly over [a] threshold and being thrown flat on his stomach into the House of Light.” In other words, one must give up believing he or she has the power to attain truth by oneself, and humble oneself to the point of realizing that it is a gift.